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Career Biography

Pat's active upbringing in upstate NY with four seasons of outdoor recreation, physical labor, and sport lit the fire. 

Adding a BS in PE and coaching [Springfield College '76] along with  three years teaching HS HE/PE and coaching

launched her movement career. 

Interested in pursuing the area of corporate health and fitness, she returned to Springfield College in 1979,

and earned her M.S. in Physical Education, emphasizing Exercise Science and Cardiac Rehabilitation. 

Pat wrote her thesis on “Compliance in Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Programs.” 

Before moving overseas in 1990, Pat spent approximately 10 years designing, implementing and managing corporate and

industrial fitness, health promotion and injury risk reduction programs. 

She was responsible for the design, start-up and management of six corporate fitness centers and

occupational heath programs. 

         She accrued years of experience in individual physical fitness assessment, consultation and programming, industrial job task/site analysis,

pre-employment strength evaluations and risk reduction programming, as well as healthy lifestyle education.

Pat has been teaching large and small group exercise classes over her entire career for healthy, clinical, special and athletic

populations of all ages, and continues to do so.  [See Local Services]. 


She has been training allied health professionals/instructors/trainers/coaches for over 35 years

and has conducted numerous workshops for corporate and public professionals in the US and abroad. 

In 1987, Pat wrote the Dyna-Band Instructor Training Manual. 

In 1994, she was the technical advisor and instructor in the ”Muscles In A Minute” videotape [VHS],

a basic strength training program for novice exercisers. 

She was also a presenter at the ASIA FIT, FILEX and Network Conferences in Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore.


Pat is a Certified Functional Strength Coach [CFSC – Mike Boyle],

Personal Trainer and Exercise Test Technologist [ACSM], FMS1 and FCS certified, and a Functional Aging Specialist [FAI],  

She earned the ACE Personal Trainer, Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant, and Group Exercise Instructor certificates,

          Network [Australia] Strength Professional Examiner, and Lifestyle Counselor in Weight Control [AALC-LEARN-Cooper]. among others. 

 Pat has served as a Continuing Education Provider for professional organizations over the years. in the U.S. and abroad.  

She has been a member of the ACSM, NSCA, IDEA and various other professional organizations since the 80’s.


In 1990, Pat moved overseas where she established Excellence In Conditioning, a sole proprietorship

dedicated to providing individual, corporate/community physical training and health enhancement services.  

           From 90-92, Pat’s work in Singapore included designing and teaching the Singapore Sports Council Fitness Instructor Certification

Courses, conducting CEC workshops and corporate health promotion programs,

teaching cardiac rehab, pre/post natal, and total workout classes, public speaking and writing. 


In Beijing from 92-95, her work included teaching group exercise, pre-natal and pre-school classes, personal training,

instructor training [CEC Provider], public speaking and writing. 

She was also the co-founder of the Beijing Foreign Health Care Network.


1995-99 brought Pat to Hong Kong.  There, she served as a consultant, lecturer and teacher on the Matilda Hospital

Health Promotion and Executive Health Programs, which included the design and layout of the Matilda Hospital Fitness Center. 

Pat lectured and tutored for the Chester College [UK] Distance Learning M.Sc. Nutrition and Exercise Science Program,

and began her work as a doctoral student through the U of Liverpool – UC Chester,

investigating the effects of exercise on post-menopausal women. 

She also lectured on the ACE and NETWORK [Australia] certification and continuing education courses

and maintained her personal training business.  


Upon her arrival back to the U.S. from 1999-2001, Pat continued personal training, teaching and lecturing,

in addition to working as Fitness Director for World Gym in Leesburg, Virginia. 


Fall of 2001 through 2004 landed Pat back in Beijing, where she continued her teaching, personal training, lecturing for the

Asian Academy of Sports and Fitness Professionals [AAFSP] certification/CEC courses and Asia Fit. 

She  consulted on the expansion of two training facilities, in addition to program development in strength and conditioning,

professional development for PE/HE faculty and coaches,

and coached  middle school girls soccer at the Int’l School of Beijing.


2004-06 in Paris, France, brought Pat back to high school athletics, where she designed and launched 

the Physical Training Center [PTC] at the American School of Paris [ASP]. 

She implemented strength and conditioning programs for the high school teams,

conducted professional development workshops for the ASP PE faculty and coaches,

coached Girls Varsity soccer, and girls and boys track and field,

in addition to fund-raising for the Sports Boosters. 

Pat continued personal training along with conducting 

‘Eat and Drink for the Health of It’, a weight management course at the US Embassy. 


From 2006-2009 in Williamsburg, VA, Pat added providing CEC courses for the NSCA [Regional Chapter],

ACE through The College of William & Mary,

PESI Healthcare, LLC for allied health professionals,

and ACSM as a Certified Personal Trainer Course Instructor. 

She implemented strength and conditioning programs for a local boys and girls varsity basketball programs,

in addition to upgrading their training facility and serving on Sports Boosters. 

Pat continued to train, teach and implement corporate health promotion programs.  

Fall of 2009 through May 2010 landed Pat in Berlin, Germany, where she continued her training and lecturing. 

Fall 2010-Summer 2015, Pat remained in Williamsburg,

where she expanded all of her services under ‘Active & Agile ... Maximizing Mobility Through the Ages TM’.

.... back to Leesburg, VA and expanding,

then onto upstate NY where she added Adjunct Professor at the College of St. Rose to her experience.

Pat has reached her final destination and is now residing in Big Sky, MT, her HOME!

She continues her passion of teaching, coaching, training and lecturing

and has no plans to ‘slow down’, but aspires to ‘ramp up’ all of her services.  

She is the mother of two, and 30+ years married to a retired Foreign Service Officer.

That is 40+ years in a nutshell

Pat is happy to provide details upon request.



Active & Agile ..... Maximizing Mobility Throughout the Ages

Pat VanGalen     

Big Sky, MT  59716  


Designed by: Alexa N. Clouthier

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